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diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea

How is Obstructive Sleep Apnea Diagnosed?

A diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is confirmed with testing at a sleep study laboratory and evaluation by physicians that specialize in sleep health.

During a sleep study (polysomnogram), the patient is asleep. The patient's breathing, brain function, eye movement, heartbeat rate and oxygen levels are monitored using a set of sensors that are taped to specific areas on the body.

Sleep Study

  • A sleep study is a comfortable procedure that can reveal important information regarding a patient’s diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea or other sleep-disordered breathing conditions.

  • Sleep studies are generally performed at night to replicate the patient's normal sleeping habits. (Patients that work at night can be tested during the day.) A mild sedative may be given if the patient has trouble falling asleep at the testing center.

  • A sleep study records detailed physical indicators and sleep patterns in a lengthy report, including: snoring sounds, the number of times the patient wakes up, and, each ‘apnea’ episode - when (or if) the patient stops breathing and for how long.

  • Sleep studies are also used as part of the evaluation process for central sleep apnea, REM sleep disorders, chronic insomnia, narcolepsy and restless leg syndrome.

Home Sleep Health Testing

Portable sleep test equipment is available for home use. Sleep medicine dentist Dr. Leigh Bennett or your physician may send you home with a test device for preliminary OSA screening or to monitor your progress with OSA oral appliance therapy. A home sleep device measures heart and breathing rates and blood-oxygen levels; it does not record sleep patterns in the same manner as a laboratory sleep study.

Daytime Sleepiness Quiz

The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is used by Dr. Bennett and physicians as a screening tool for daytime sleepiness, which is an indicator of sleep quality. Take the Sleep Quiz and share your results with Dr. Bennett or your primary care doctor.

Hartley Bridge TMJ & Dental Sleep Center

Dr. Leigh Bennett and our Dental Sleep Center Team are always available to answer your questions about snoring or obstructive sleep apnea. Please Contact Us for more information or to schedule a New Patient Consultation with Dr. Bennett at our local Macon dental sleep medicine facility.